
- Smartphone, dass das Interface Design und die neu entwickelte Visiual Identity der interaktiven Web-App für die KZ- Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Sachsenhausen zeigt

Digital experience paths – UX, UI and prototyping of a web app for the Frauenkirche Dresden


Detailed objects, sublime rooms and fascinating stories – the Frauenkirche Dresden offers everything you need for an exciting visit. Actually, because unfortunately a lot of content cannot be conveyed at all, interesting details can only be viewed from a distance and some stories cannot be told. The “experience paths” change exactly that. Objects, rooms and stories of the Frauenkirche are narratively linked and open up new perspectives for visitors. As an easily accessible web app, they enrich your visit to the church and allow you to experience the fascination of the Frauenkirche in a new way.


The “experience paths” guide visitors through the Frauenkirche and allow them to delve deeper into the history of the objects and rooms. Targeted questions pick you up at the end of your analogue journey and your digital journey through the Frauenkirche begins. Spatial and object snippets serve as orientation points on this digital route and link the digital experience paths with the analog offerings on site. This offers visitors a further level of content to enrich their visit within the Frauenkirche - but also from afar.

Typography, color and shape – the basis for the user interface is the existing corporate design. The basic colors, which are based on the light interior of the Frauenkirche with gold accents, are complemented by fresh pastel tones. They loosen up the web app and serve as a guidance system for the different topics within the experience paths. While specially developed iconographies take up the on-site spaces, build a bridge between digital and analogue space and make it easier for users to orientate themselves.

Grafik von zwei Smartphones und der Überschrift: Willkommen bei den Erfahrungswegen der Frauenkirche Dresden
Text auf farbigem Hintergrund, dass die innovative Navigationsführung der neuen Web-App der Frauenkirche Dresden erklärt
Smartphone auf farbigem Hintergrund, dass das neue Interface der Frauenkirche in Dresden zeigt.
Smartphone mit Text
Mehrere interaktive Medieninhalte für die neue Webapp der Frauenkirche, wie Quiz-Module, Audioplayer oder interaktive Formulare
Smartphones mit Navigationsinhalten der neuen App der Frauenkirche in Dresden
Illustration der neu entwickelten Raumiconografien
Text auf farbigem Hintergrund, der die kreativen Ansätze des Corporate Designs erklärt
Smartphoneansicht der neuen App der Frauenkirche Dresden vor gebrochenen Steinen im Hintergrund
Smartphone mit dem Übersichts-Screen der digitalen Erfahrungswege der Frauenkirche Dresden
- Smartphone, dass das Interface Design und die neu entwickelte Visiual Identity der interaktiven Web-App für die KZ- Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Sachsenhausen zeigt

Digital experience paths – UX, UI and prototyping of a web app for the Frauenkirche Dresden


Detailed objects, sublime rooms and fascinating stories – the Frauenkirche Dresden offers everything you need for an exciting visit. Actually, because unfortunately a lot of content cannot be conveyed at all, interesting details can only be viewed from a distance and some stories cannot be told. The “experience paths” change exactly that. Objects, rooms and stories of the Frauenkirche are narratively linked and open up new perspectives for visitors. As an easily accessible web app, they enrich your visit to the church and allow you to experience the fascination of the Frauenkirche in a new way.


The “experience paths” guide visitors through the Frauenkirche and allow them to delve deeper into the history of the objects and rooms. Targeted questions pick you up at the end of your analogue journey and your digital journey through the Frauenkirche begins. Spatial and object snippets serve as orientation points on this digital route and link the digital experience paths with the analog offerings on site. This offers visitors a further level of content to enrich their visit within the Frauenkirche - but also from afar.

Typography, color and shape – the basis for the user interface is the existing corporate design. The basic colors, which are based on the light interior of the Frauenkirche with gold accents, are complemented by fresh pastel tones. They loosen up the web app and serve as a guidance system for the different topics within the experience paths. While specially developed iconographies take up the on-site spaces, build a bridge between digital and analogue space and make it easier for users to orientate themselves.

Grafik von zwei Smartphones und der Überschrift: Willkommen bei den Erfahrungswegen der Frauenkirche Dresden
Text auf farbigem Hintergrund, dass die innovative Navigationsführung der neuen Web-App der Frauenkirche Dresden erklärt
Smartphone auf farbigem Hintergrund, dass das neue Interface der Frauenkirche in Dresden zeigt.
Smartphone mit Text
Mehrere interaktive Medieninhalte für die neue Webapp der Frauenkirche, wie Quiz-Module, Audioplayer oder interaktive Formulare
Smartphones mit Navigationsinhalten der neuen App der Frauenkirche in Dresden
Illustration der neu entwickelten Raumiconografien
Text auf farbigem Hintergrund, der die kreativen Ansätze des Corporate Designs erklärt
Smartphoneansicht der neuen App der Frauenkirche Dresden vor gebrochenen Steinen im Hintergrund
Smartphone mit dem Übersichts-Screen der digitalen Erfahrungswege der Frauenkirche Dresden
- Smartphone, dass das Interface Design und die neu entwickelte Visiual Identity der interaktiven Web-App für die KZ- Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Sachsenhausen zeigt

Digital experience paths – UX, UI and prototyping of a web app for the Frauenkirche Dresden


Detailed objects, sublime rooms and fascinating stories – the Frauenkirche Dresden offers everything you need for an exciting visit. Actually, because unfortunately a lot of content cannot be conveyed at all, interesting details can only be viewed from a distance and some stories cannot be told. The “experience paths” change exactly that. Objects, rooms and stories of the Frauenkirche are narratively linked and open up new perspectives for visitors. As an easily accessible web app, they enrich your visit to the church and allow you to experience the fascination of the Frauenkirche in a new way.


The “experience paths” guide visitors through the Frauenkirche and allow them to delve deeper into the history of the objects and rooms. Targeted questions pick you up at the end of your analogue journey and your digital journey through the Frauenkirche begins. Spatial and object snippets serve as orientation points on this digital route and link the digital experience paths with the analog offerings on site. This offers visitors a further level of content to enrich their visit within the Frauenkirche - but also from afar.

Typography, color and shape – the basis for the user interface is the existing corporate design. The basic colors, which are based on the light interior of the Frauenkirche with gold accents, are complemented by fresh pastel tones. They loosen up the web app and serve as a guidance system for the different topics within the experience paths. While specially developed iconographies take up the on-site spaces, build a bridge between digital and analogue space and make it easier for users to orientate themselves.

Grafik von zwei Smartphones und der Überschrift: Willkommen bei den Erfahrungswegen der Frauenkirche Dresden
Text auf farbigem Hintergrund, dass die innovative Navigationsführung der neuen Web-App der Frauenkirche Dresden erklärt
Smartphone auf farbigem Hintergrund, dass das neue Interface der Frauenkirche in Dresden zeigt.
Smartphone mit Text
Mehrere interaktive Medieninhalte für die neue Webapp der Frauenkirche, wie Quiz-Module, Audioplayer oder interaktive Formulare
Smartphones mit Navigationsinhalten der neuen App der Frauenkirche in Dresden
Illustration der neu entwickelten Raumiconografien
Text auf farbigem Hintergrund, der die kreativen Ansätze des Corporate Designs erklärt
Smartphoneansicht der neuen App der Frauenkirche Dresden vor gebrochenen Steinen im Hintergrund
Smartphone mit dem Übersichts-Screen der digitalen Erfahrungswege der Frauenkirche Dresden

Frauenkirche Dresden

User Experience
User Interface
Content Structure





Zum Kuckuck


Visual design

Mandatory internship

Concept & Text

Mandatory internship

unsolicited application

Full & Part-time position


Visual design

Mandatory internship

Concept & Text

Mandatory internship

unsolicited application

Full & Part-time position


Visual design

Mandatory internship

Concept & Text

Mandatory internship

unsolicited application

Full & Part-time position


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July 23








































24 Std

12 Std





