
- Logoentwicklung von SOP Notaufnahme, das ein stilisiertes O mit einem Plus am oberen linken Rand zeigt, dass an ein Stethoskop erinnert

Carefully researched, clearly laid out and accessible free of charge. Appropriate guidelines to support physicians in the emergency room.


Doctors in acute or emergency clinics are often exposed to extreme situations in their daily work environment. With time as a critical factor, a courageous, quick and, last but not least, structured approach is often crucial. The vision of two young specialists: A platform that brings together schematized guidelines (“Standard Operating Procedures”). Guides that help medical staff keep track of even more complex cases. This required a visual and functional scheme with the potential for expansion, which made recurring content recognizable across the board and could be used independently by the two doctors.


Relevant clinical pictures, compressed into a few pages according to the same pattern: a color guidance system for quickly recording the information, concrete instructions and recommendations on the dosage of medication and discharge management. SOP emergency room stands for professionalism, competence and precision, as well as for proximity and accessibility. This is supported by the friendly, characteristic display font with its helpful character, while the suggested stethoscope in the logo clearly places the brand in a medical context.

Clarity – not just for the users. Instead of seeing ourselves as a pure design service provider, we put the value creation in the hands of the customer. The resulting framework empowers doctors to independently expand the content of the information available. Thanks to the expanded search function on the revised website, the SOPs are available even more quickly. While the minimalist iconography and clear colors create more overview and easy orientation. With our sustainable approach to framework and design, we were able to create space for future expansions and already supplement the brand with analog areas such as trade fairs and seminars.

Text auf blauem Hintergrund: Standard Operating Procedures für die Notaufnahme
Drei Ikons auf weißem Hintergrund
Neues Logo der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Bild der Gründer von SOP Notaufnahme mit dem Claim "Von Medizinern. Für Mediziner."
Bild der neuen Corporate Colors der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Bildern von Standard Operating Procedures für die Notaufnahme mit dem Claim "Halten Sie Ihrem Klinikpersonal den Rücken frei"
Mehrere Ikons für die Fachbereiche Endokrinologie, Gastroenterologie, Hämatologie, Onkologie, Infektiologie, Kardiologie, Nephrologie, Neurologie und Pneumologie
Mockup zweier Werbeflyer für das Innere Medizin Seminar von SOP Notaufnahme
Innenseite eines Falzflyers, mit dem Kurs- und Ablaufplan des SOP Notaufnahme Seminars
Plakatdesign für SOP Notaufnahme mit unterschiedlichen Motiven und Claims
Design eines Leitzordners der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Visitenkarten-Design der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Mobile Ansicht der Webseite auf mehreren Smartphones, welche in einem Raster auf blauem Hintergrund zu sehen sind
- Logoentwicklung von SOP Notaufnahme, das ein stilisiertes O mit einem Plus am oberen linken Rand zeigt, dass an ein Stethoskop erinnert

Carefully researched, clearly laid out and accessible free of charge. Appropriate guidelines to support physicians in the emergency room.


Doctors in acute or emergency clinics are often exposed to extreme situations in their daily work environment. With time as a critical factor, a courageous, quick and, last but not least, structured approach is often crucial. The vision of two young specialists: A platform that brings together schematized guidelines (“Standard Operating Procedures”). Guides that help medical staff keep track of even more complex cases. This required a visual and functional scheme with the potential for expansion, which made recurring content recognizable across the board and could be used independently by the two doctors.


Relevant clinical pictures, compressed into a few pages according to the same pattern: a color guidance system for quickly recording the information, concrete instructions and recommendations on the dosage of medication and discharge management. SOP emergency room stands for professionalism, competence and precision, as well as for proximity and accessibility. This is supported by the friendly, characteristic display font with its helpful character, while the suggested stethoscope in the logo clearly places the brand in a medical context.

Clarity – not just for the users. Instead of seeing ourselves as a pure design service provider, we put the value creation in the hands of the customer. The resulting framework empowers doctors to independently expand the content of the information available. Thanks to the expanded search function on the revised website, the SOPs are available even more quickly. While the minimalist iconography and clear colors create more overview and easy orientation. With our sustainable approach to framework and design, we were able to create space for future expansions and already supplement the brand with analog areas such as trade fairs and seminars.

Text auf blauem Hintergrund: Standard Operating Procedures für die Notaufnahme
Drei Ikons auf weißem Hintergrund
Neues Logo der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Bild der Gründer von SOP Notaufnahme mit dem Claim "Von Medizinern. Für Mediziner."
Bild der neuen Corporate Colors der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Bildern von Standard Operating Procedures für die Notaufnahme mit dem Claim "Halten Sie Ihrem Klinikpersonal den Rücken frei"
Mehrere Ikons für die Fachbereiche Endokrinologie, Gastroenterologie, Hämatologie, Onkologie, Infektiologie, Kardiologie, Nephrologie, Neurologie und Pneumologie
Mockup zweier Werbeflyer für das Innere Medizin Seminar von SOP Notaufnahme
Innenseite eines Falzflyers, mit dem Kurs- und Ablaufplan des SOP Notaufnahme Seminars
Plakatdesign für SOP Notaufnahme mit unterschiedlichen Motiven und Claims
Design eines Leitzordners der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Visitenkarten-Design der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Mobile Ansicht der Webseite auf mehreren Smartphones, welche in einem Raster auf blauem Hintergrund zu sehen sind
- Logoentwicklung von SOP Notaufnahme, das ein stilisiertes O mit einem Plus am oberen linken Rand zeigt, dass an ein Stethoskop erinnert

Carefully researched, clearly laid out and accessible free of charge. Appropriate guidelines to support physicians in the emergency room.


Doctors in acute or emergency clinics are often exposed to extreme situations in their daily work environment. With time as a critical factor, a courageous, quick and, last but not least, structured approach is often crucial. The vision of two young specialists: A platform that brings together schematized guidelines (“Standard Operating Procedures”). Guides that help medical staff keep track of even more complex cases. This required a visual and functional scheme with the potential for expansion, which made recurring content recognizable across the board and could be used independently by the two doctors.


Relevant clinical pictures, compressed into a few pages according to the same pattern: a color guidance system for quickly recording the information, concrete instructions and recommendations on the dosage of medication and discharge management. SOP emergency room stands for professionalism, competence and precision, as well as for proximity and accessibility. This is supported by the friendly, characteristic display font with its helpful character, while the suggested stethoscope in the logo clearly places the brand in a medical context.

Clarity – not just for the users. Instead of seeing ourselves as a pure design service provider, we put the value creation in the hands of the customer. The resulting framework empowers doctors to independently expand the content of the information available. Thanks to the expanded search function on the revised website, the SOPs are available even more quickly. While the minimalist iconography and clear colors create more overview and easy orientation. With our sustainable approach to framework and design, we were able to create space for future expansions and already supplement the brand with analog areas such as trade fairs and seminars.

Text auf blauem Hintergrund: Standard Operating Procedures für die Notaufnahme
Drei Ikons auf weißem Hintergrund
Neues Logo der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Bild der Gründer von SOP Notaufnahme mit dem Claim "Von Medizinern. Für Mediziner."
Bild der neuen Corporate Colors der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Bildern von Standard Operating Procedures für die Notaufnahme mit dem Claim "Halten Sie Ihrem Klinikpersonal den Rücken frei"
Mehrere Ikons für die Fachbereiche Endokrinologie, Gastroenterologie, Hämatologie, Onkologie, Infektiologie, Kardiologie, Nephrologie, Neurologie und Pneumologie
Mockup zweier Werbeflyer für das Innere Medizin Seminar von SOP Notaufnahme
Innenseite eines Falzflyers, mit dem Kurs- und Ablaufplan des SOP Notaufnahme Seminars
Plakatdesign für SOP Notaufnahme mit unterschiedlichen Motiven und Claims
Design eines Leitzordners der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Visitenkarten-Design der Marke "SOP Notaufnahme", gestaltet von der Agentur fjnland
Mobile Ansicht der Webseite auf mehreren Smartphones, welche in einem Raster auf blauem Hintergrund zu sehen sind

SOP Notaufnahme

User Interface
Design System




Visual design

Mandatory internship

Concept & Text

Mandatory internship

unsolicited application

Full & Part-time position


Visual design

Mandatory internship

Concept & Text

Mandatory internship

unsolicited application

Full & Part-time position


Visual design

Mandatory internship

Concept & Text

Mandatory internship

unsolicited application

Full & Part-time position


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July 23








































24 Std

12 Std





